Websites & Inventory Systems for Work Truck Dealers
Websites & Inventory Systems for Work Truck Dealers
Work Truck Zone’s Solution Offers
Work Truck Zone’s Solution Offers
No long-term contract required.
No long-term contract required.
Your solution starts with a landing page dedicated to your dealership and fully integrated with the inventory
Your solution starts with a landing page dedicated to your dealership and fully integrated with the inventory system
This is an example of a partial Landing page. Each is different depending on your dealership. It is a WordPress site and can be customized further by anyone experienced with WordPress.
Our Work Truck Inventory
Our Work Truck Inventory Offers
We do this by including only vehicles you consider commercial-grade.
We do this through a set of vehicle inclusion rules, you establish.
Once established our system uses your rules to build your inventory.
These rules can be updated as needed.
Exceptions to the rules can be made when needed.
We do this by including only vehicles you consider commercial grade.
We do this through a set of vehicle inclusion rules, you establish.
Once established our system uses your rules to build your inventory.
These rules can be updated as needed.
2. Your vehicles will be classified by their truck type
2. Your vehicles will be classified by their truck type
These are just a few common truck type examples.
You decide what truck types to use for your inventory.
There is no limit to the truck types you use.
If you need it, we can include it.
Truck-types can be added and removed as needed.
These are just a few common truck type examples.
You decide what truck types to use for your inventory.
There is no limit to the truck types you use.
If you need it, we can include it.
Truck-types can be added and removed as needed.
3. Below are examples of our 2 most common truck-type search options
3. Below are examples of our 2 most common truck-type search options
Here are examples of two search option that will be included on your Landing Page, and can be add to any webpage.
Image Type Search
Position your mouse over “View All” to view the full effect. Clicking any truck type will take you to our demo inventory, which will show vehicles matching the Truck-type selected.
There is more
Our inventory includes vehicle information
that commercial buyers appreciate
There is more,
Our inventory includes vehicle information
that buyers appreciate
This truck ad, from the search results page, illustrating the information available for a buyer.
(OPTIONAL: Marketing & Management and GCWR Packages) This truck ad includes additional information from the optional Marketing & Management and GCWR Packages.
(OPTIONAL: Marketing & Management Package) If a window sticker is not available and the dealer has selected to include the Marketing & Management Package, we can often create a window sticker for the vehicle, example above.
(OPTIONAL: Marketing & Management Package) If the vehicle has been upfit with either a full body or optional equipment, and a brochure is available, a link for that brochure will be available on the Vehicle’s Detail page. This is part of the Marketing & Management Package.
Our 2 Most Popular Options
Our 2 Most Popular Options
Marketing & Management Package
Adds $100/Month
Truck Ad Image Routine
This option shows an image relating to the vehicle, which will be shown in the ad for the vehicle, found on the Search Results page. The image reflects either the vehicle’s model or a valuable feature. Without this option, the image will be the dealership’s logo.
Truck Ad Features Routine
This option shows some of the more valuable features of the vehicle, which will be shown in the ad for the vehicle, found on the Search Results page. The image reflects either the vehicle’s model or a valuable feature. Without this option, it will show a general statement about the dealership.
Window Sticker Routine
A window sticker is a valuable asset for marketing a vehicle. This option can create a virtual window sticker for a vehicle when one does not exist. This window sticker will be accessible through its truck ad on both the Search Results and Vehicle’s Detail page. This routine includes brochures creation.
Dashboard Report
The Dashboard Report informs the dealership on various marketing and management aspects of the commercial website and inventory. The above image is a graph showing the number of visitors to the website. The information is from Google Analytics.
This routine will add GCWR, to a new pickup’s information, when possible. If your dealership has many buyers looking for a pickup truck for towing this can be a valuable addition to the vehicle’s information.
Work Truck Zone is part of Advanced Integration Technologies (AIT). AIT has been helping companies manage and control their warehouse inventories since 1994. In 2005, we brought our inventory knowledge and know-how together to create a work truck inventory system for dealer’s websites.
The inventory created is an excellent marketing tool for your work truck inventory. It is one of the most comprehensive marketing solutions for work trucks on the market today.
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